Bonjela Junior Gel

Bonjela Junior Gel

Hussain Chemists offer high quality medical products at affordable prices. 02476 222447
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Bonjela Junior Gel

Bonjela Junior Gel is specially formulated to relieve pain associated with mouth ulcers, including those caused by braces. Bonjela Junior Gel contains Lidocaine Hydrochloride, a local anaesthetic to relieve pain, and Cetylpyridinium Chloride, an antiseptic which helps to fight infections
Availability: In stock
Bonjela Junior Gel is specially formulated to relieve pain associated with mouth ulcers, including those caused by braces.  Bonjela Junior Gel contains Lidocaine Hydrochloride, a local anaesthetic to relieve pain, and Cetylpyridinium Chloride, an antiseptic which helps to fight infections. Sugar free Banana flavour. Suitable for children under 16 (aged 3 months +) Always read the label
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